Business Services

Our work focuses on addressing client’s concerns at every stage of the business life cycle. We make it a priority to understand your personal values, objectives and financial goals and then work to create and execute customized strategies to meet those objectives. Some of our key services include:

Executive Benefits

The success of most businesses is the result of the talent, passion and work ethic of their key executives. As a result, it is important to consider Executive Benefit Plans to assist in attracting, motivating and retaining high-caliber employees. We can assist in the design, funding and implementation of these valuable planning options.

Succession Planning/
Exit Planning

Succession planning allows business owners an opportunity to exit their role within a company, based upon their desired time frame and transition objectives. We assist in building a comprehensive tax-advantaged strategy to protect our client’s business assets and ensure their future financial security.

Key Person Insurance

This form of life insurance helps to indemnify an employer for an unexpected death of one of its key employees. Companies often suffer from the loss of an individual’s management skills and experience, resulting in a disruption in sales or production, missed business opportunities, credit difficulties (such as inability to make payments or a creditor’s reluctance to extend credit), as well as the increased expenses associated with hiring and training a replacement. We assist in devising appropriate protection for such a loss.

Buy-Sell Agreements

Buy-Sell agreements are essential to ensuring that an owner’s business interests are transferred according to their desired intent, while guaranteeing financial protection for their heirs. In a cross-purchase arrangement, each business owner agrees to purchase the business interest of an owner who dies, becomes disabled, retires or otherwise leaves the business. We provide options for creating and properly funding buy-sell agreements utilizing life and disability buy-out insurance

Deferred Compensation

Deferred compensation is a written agreement between an employer and an employee where the employee chooses to have part of his or her compensation withheld by the company, invested on their behalf and distributed back to them at a pre-determined point in the future. Deferred compensation can be used as a flexible way to attract and incentivize key employees. We assist in developing plans based upon a business owner’s desired parameters.


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